Meta's AI Labelling Controversy: Real Photos Mislabelled as 'Made with AI'

Person puzzled by photo labeled 'Made with AI'

Meta's recent initiative to label AI-generated content on its platforms has sparked controversy among photographers.

The company’s algorithm has been tagging real photos as 'Made with AI,' causing frustration and confusion among users. This issue has raised questions about the accuracy and fairness of Meta's labelling system.

Key Takeaways

  • Meta's AI labelling initiative aims to identify AI-generated content on its platforms.
  • Real photos are being mislabelled as 'Made with AI,' causing frustration among photographers.
  • The issue stems from the metadata in images edited with AI tools like Adobe Photoshop.
  • Meta is evaluating its approach to improve the accuracy of its labelling system.

Meta's AI Labelling Initiative

In February, Meta announced that it would start labelling photos created with AI tools on its social networks, including Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. The initiative aims to help users identify AI-generated content. However, since May, the company has been tagging some real photos with the 'Made with AI' label, leading to widespread criticism.

Photographers' Concerns

Photographers have expressed their frustration over the mislabelling of their work. Many argue that simply using AI tools for minor edits should not result in the 'Made with AI' label. For instance, former White House photographer Pete Souza found one of his photos tagged incorrectly after using Adobe's cropping tool. Souza suspects that the algorithm misinterpreted the metadata, leading to the erroneous label.

Meta's Response

Meta has acknowledged the issue and stated that it is evaluating its approach to ensure the labels accurately reflect the amount of AI used in an image. A spokesperson mentioned that the company is working with other firms that have AI-powered tools to refine its labelling process. Meta aims to help users understand when they see content made with AI while addressing the concerns raised by photographers.

The Role of Metadata

The crux of the issue lies in the metadata of images. Meta's algorithm scans the metadata to detect AI-generated content. However, this approach has led to real photos being mislabelled when edited with AI tools like Adobe Photoshop's Generative Fill. Photographers argue that minor edits, such as removing a speck of dust, should not warrant the 'Made with AI' label.

Industry Reactions

The photography community has been vocal about the need for a more nuanced labelling system. Some suggest separate labels for 'edited with AI' and 'made with AI' to distinguish between minor edits and fully AI-generated content. This distinction could help maintain the authenticity of real photos while still informing users about the use of AI tools.

Future Implications

With upcoming elections and the increasing prevalence of AI-generated content, social media platforms face mounting pressure to handle AI content accurately. Meta's current labelling system has shown flaws, but the company is actively working to improve it. The goal is to strike a balance between transparency and fairness, ensuring that real photos are not unfairly tagged as AI-generated.


Meta's AI labelling initiative has highlighted the challenges of accurately identifying AI-generated content. While the company's intent is to promote transparency, the current system has led to unintended consequences for photographers. As Meta continues to refine its approach, it remains to be seen how the company will address the concerns and improve the accuracy of its labelling system.



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